Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cardiorespiratory fitness reduces the risk of death in men with Metabolic Syndrome

Cardiorespiratory fitness reduces the risk of death in men with Metabolic Syndrome

In a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, over 19,000 men were recruited to determine the relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and mortality risk in healthy men and those with metabolic syndrome. The study group, which included about 3,800 men with metabolic syndrome, were evaluated for fitness and then followed for up to 17 years.

Healthy men who were out of shape at the beginning of the study were three times as likely as their fit peers to die of cardiovascular disease. While men with metabolic syndrome were 89 percent more likely than healthy men to die of heart disease over the years, men with metabolic syndrome who were unfit had twice the death rate as their fit counterparts.

According to the researchers, "This study strengthens the argument for aggressive public health campaigns aimed at increasing physical activity levels in the population." Fitness, regardless of body weight, can provide a strong protective effect against premature death in men with metabolic syndrome as well as healthy men.

Arch Intern Med 2004 May 24;164(10):1092-7

This just goes to show that getting into shape, through healthy eating habits and, more importantly, an active lifestyle, can increase one's lifespan. The editors of The Complete Guide to Whole Nutrition recommend USANA Health Sciences' Nutrimeal product line as a great way to begin eating more healthfully. These products are low-glycemic, and come both as shake powders and convenient meal replacement bars. Trouble getting started? Try USANA Reset™ to reset your diet to a new low-glycemic level intake of foods. This 5-day program can help you begin a healthier lifestyle. You can try all USANA Nutrimeal products and Reset today at the USANA Product Order Center. Remember that the healthier and more physically fit you become, the easier, and more fun staying fit becomes.

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