Monday, August 20, 2007

Supplements reduce health care costs

With health care costs skyrocketing and the age of the population increasing, helping seniors live independently for longer is becoming increasingly important. A recent comprehensive review of existing scientific research literature found positive health effects associated with both omega-3 fatty acids and the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Based on health insurance costs for the age group over 65, the five-year estimated savings resulting from daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids and lutein with zeaxanthin is approximately 5.6 billion dollars.

A recent comprehensive review of existing scientific research literature found positive health effects associated with both omega-3 fatty acids and the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Researchers critically reviewed the scientific evidence of the two supplements' ability to reduce the risk of disease and developed estimates of potential health care savings. With health care costs skyrocketing and the age of the population increasing, helping seniors live independently for longer is becoming increasingly important.

The group reviewed several hundred studies dating back over thirty years to arrive at an estimated cost savings of 3.1 billion dollars over the next five years with the daily use of omega-3 fatty acids. They estimated that the reduction in coronary heart disease in the elderly population would result in 384,303 fewer hospitalizations and physician fees.

Loss of central vision caused by age-related macular degeneration results in numerous elderly becoming dependent on the community or a nursing facility. The researchers used over 15 years of research on lutein and zeaxanthin to estimate a potential net savings of 2.5 billion dollars over the next five years. Approximately 98,219 individuals could avoid the transition to dependence during this time through daily intake of 6-10 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Based on health insurance costs for the age group over 65, the five-year estimated savings resulting from daily intake of omega-3 fatty acids and lutein with zeaxanthin is approximately 5.6 billion dollars. FINAL_DSEA_%20FACT_SHEET.pdf

Many people don't realize that their investment in high quality nutritional supplementation isn't just an investment in a longer, healthier life but a wealthier one as well! If you have questioned purchasing a more expensive and higher quality supplement, remember that you get what you pay for and if taken over the course of your life, paying a little more now could mean paying A LOT LESS later. The Editors and Writers for the Complete Guide to Whole Nutrition endorse supplements provided by Usana Health Sciences and can be found at

Did you know that you can even get them for free or make extra money through referrals? Click the "Opportunity" tab and the "More Information" link on the main page!

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